Author / Ranjit

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  • The Process, Frida Kahlo

    With the success of exhibiting in Barcelona, and the opportunity to connect with artists all over the world, I have found the confidence to call myself an artist. It’s that newfound confidence…

  • Homage to Dalí at Expo Metro

    Expo Metro has ended, and I’m back from Barcelona. Well, physically at least. Mentally and emotionally I’m still there, riding the creative wave.   The experience has made me realise something about…

  • In Memory Of Mark Speight

    WOW! Sometimes you find things that transport you right back in time, as if it only happened yesterday. I found this flyer for the ‘colour’ exhibition in which my school art department…

  • Letters to Mama

    I am close to completing my research on Frida Kahlo (for this project at least), ready for my final art piece. Having watched the fantastic BBC documentary, Becoming Frida Kahlo, I was compelled…

  • Expo Metro 2023 – Barcelona

    I’ve been telling myself I don’t need validation or anyone’s approval my whole life. I never thought I would be so excited about getting it if I ever did. Let alone be grinning ear-to-ear,…

  • Shoutout! Brad Woodard.

    If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know after the emotional rollercoaster that was 2022, I began re-evaluating all aspects of my life.   I lost my love for graphic design –…

  • Mosaic Mural

    Isn’t it wonderful to discover a hidden gem you’ve never seen before at a place you’ve visited so many times before? The Queensferry Mosaic Mural. A stunning, organic, cleverly detailed mosaic made…

  • Creative Love

    2022 has gifted me an abundance of inspirational works from creatives all over the world. It’s wonderful! Here are my favourite ten that I couldn’t help but revisit throughout the year:  …

  • Creative Space

    As I grow in my career, I recreate a vector showcasing my creative space at home. While working on my latest one, I found the original I created back in 2013. It…