Homage to Dalí at Expo Metro

Expo Metro has ended, and I’m back from Barcelona. Well, physically at least. Mentally and emotionally I’m still there, riding the creative wave.


The experience has made me realise something about myself, both professionally and personally. Exhibiting my work was important to me, but what was more important was being part of a larger collective. Expo Metro gave me the chance to stand beside amazing artists from all over the world, individuals who shared the same ideals, aspirations, and love for all things artistic. I found somewhere I belonged. I felt free. Happy.


It reminded me of something I had forgotten. The moment my old high school art class would go quiet as we focused on our creativity, words unnecessary. A pocket of calm amidst the otherwise chaos of surrounding classrooms.


The progression from discussions to preparations to heads down and ‘let’s do this’ to final presentations. I loved the support. The camaraderie. It was here, many moons ago, where I decided I wanted to have my own art gallery one day.




A space showcasing and celebrating artists from all walks of life. Artists supporting Artists.


I had completely forgotten the flyers I created, the plans I had made. Until I was standing amidst the hustle and bustle in the Barcelona Metro. Right in the centre of introductions, conversations and laughter. None of us knew each other but we were there with a common purpose: to share our art.


Only as I sat down to write this did it occur to me that I had already begun down that dream road. During the pandemic. Virtually. I just hadn’t realised that was what I was doing. My ‘Creative Love’ monthly feature was designed specifically to celebrate other artists. And now, with Expo Metro, I am part of a larger art movement.


I am so excited to see what’s next!



Homage to Dalí at Expo Metro MOAMM 1


Homage to Dalí at Expo Metro MOAMM 2


Homage to Dalí at Expo Metro MOAMM 3


Homage to Dalí at Expo Metro MOAMM 4


Homage to Dalí at Expo Metro MOAMM 5


Homage to Dalí at Expo Metro MOAMM 6


Homage to Dalí at Expo Metro MOAMM 7


Homage to Dalí at Expo Metro MOAMM 8


Homage to Dalí at Expo Metro MOAMM 9





A big thank you to the founder Rudolph van Valkenburg and the Expo Metro team.