Shoutout! Brad Woodard.

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know after the emotional rollercoaster that was 2022, I began re-evaluating all aspects of my life.


I lost my love for graphic design – it became emotionally draining and brought me no joy – and so I stepped away from my career. After thoughts of regret, self-doubt, and feeling like I was a fraud, I decided to escape my downward spiral and returned to my Frida Kahlo bubble. There, I found the inspiration to put pencil to paper again, going back through my old portfolios and creating for fun.


Inspiration had been restored. Now I needed to find my joy.


I joined the Domestika community, deciding I wanted to build my skills in Procreate. I had no idea where to begin, so signed up for Brad Woodard’s Procreate for Beginner’s Course. Through his step-by-step lessons, I found the confidence to keep going, and my creative passion reignited. I finished the course within a month and have just signed up for two more. I’ve even added a bit of animation to the mix!


Moving from a state of doubt and apprehension to one of excitement and stimulation is one we all struggle with. So, I wanted to share a short visual summary of my Procreate progress – which I’ll add to as I keep learning. From the default brush library, blending modes, layering, masking, selection and transforming to drawing guides, animation assist and time-lapse videos (which can be found over on my Instagram story highlights).


While it may have felt and sometimes still feels daunting, I’m glad I took that step back…to move forward.


Cozcacuauhtli MOAMM





Thinking of Composition 1 (Homage to Lichtenstein) MOAMM


Thinking of Composition 1 (Homage to Lichtenstein)




Let Me Take Your Hat MOAMM


Let Me Take Your Hat




Mexican Wall Mural MOAMM


Mexican Wall Mural




Salvatore Leone MOAMM


Salvatore Leone




Dia de Muertos Calavera MOAMM

Dia de Muertos Calavera