Shoutout! Marte.

I have just completed Marte’s Domestika course, Creative Poster Design for Events and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Although I have created posters for my clients in the past, I’ve never had full creative freedom. The course gave me a chance to be more fun and free with colour, pattern, and subtle humour because I was designing for myself.


Three very important lessons I learned during this time was:

  1. I need more up-to-date software. 2007 Adobe Illustrator is restricting me from developing my skills even further.
  2. Creating your own typeface is an art form in itself. One that I would like to pursue.
  3. I absolutely love psychedelic poster art – who knew?!


This musing is really to share a summary of my creative process. Let’s begin with the history of the poster – you know how much I love research to unlock those design ideas:


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Mood Boards

Expo Metro is a big part of my creative life at the moment,

so I decided to create an event poster for the Amsterdam June expo in which I am taking part.


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I’ll pick 3 to explore further.


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Design 1

A play on the political posters of the past.


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Design 2

A Bauhaus inspired style (love me some Bauhaus!).


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Design 3

Inspired by The Big Five San Francisco poster artists. To be honest, I think I had already decided what I wanted to do, right at the beginning.


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Chosen Design



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Colour Variations

The first colour palette has been taken from Wes Wilson’s iconic Grateful Dead and Otis Rush, 1967 psychedelic poster.


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Final Poster

I wanted the design to stand alone, so I decided to place it in the centre

with the additional event information on the outside so as not to detract from it.


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Let me know what you think?!