Accidentally Wes Anderson

Back in 2014, I saw The Grand Budapest Hotel and fell in love. More than the whimsical script, incredible cinematography, and brilliant cast, I couldn’t help but lose myself in the backdrop’s eccentricity. The flawless symmetry, the nostalgic colour palettes, and, quite simply, the beauty of his direction. Wes Anderson’s spectacular visual style is inspired! I quickly fell into the WA rabbit hole, devouring everything I could get my hands on: The Life Aquatic, Fantastic Mr Fox, Darjeeling Limited, Moonrise Kingdom, The French Dispatch, The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar…

Scrolling through Instagram led to the discovery of Accidentally Wes Anderson, an account started by inspired fans like me. I followed them immediately. The AWA is an absolute feast for the eyes and so aesthetically enthralling that when an exhibition was announced, I booked my train ticket to London without thought.

Located in South Kensington, the exhibition showcases a photographic journal by the creative couple Wally and Amanda. You wander through seven themed rooms, including doors, transport, sport, classic facades, and maritime. Each one takes you on a global adventure of wonderment through stunning photography and quirky Andersonesque immersive delights.

My personal favourite was ‘Doors’. Stemming from C S Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia and Burnett’s The Secret Garden, this subject has always fascinated me. The anticipation of standing before an unopened door and the mystery of what you’ll find on the other side is equally terrifying as it is magical. Come to think of it, this exhibition had a similar effect in that every time you stepped into a new room, you were met with surprise. These fantastical structures actually exist in the world, and that, in itself, is magic.

Here’s a sneak peek of the exhibition:


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